Monday, June 30, 2008
Here goes!
4 places I've lived:
1. Schaumberg, IL
2. Mt. Pleasant, MI
3. Provo/Orem, UT. We all know it's basically the same place.
4. Vancouver, WA... I'm not sure if what I'm doing here counts as living or not, maybe hangin' out?
4 shows I watch:
1. So You Think You Can Dance!!! Gooooo Chelsie! (Hightower)
2. The Next Food Network Star/Any food network challenge/Anything on food network. I like food ok?
3. LOST. This is only at #3 because it isn't "in season" right now. Good show.
4. If Alias was still around this would take 4th for sure. But since it isn't I choose The Bachelorette as lucky no. 4. Go ahead and laugh, you watch it too.
4 jobs I have had:
1. Selling T-shirts door to door. Worst job ever. Never do it. Never let your kids do it. Never.
2. Hostessing at Tucanos. Yummmmmmm
3. Serving ice cream at the BYU creamery. Most delicious job ever.
4. Secretary at an optometrist's office. Way good job. I'm sad it's over!
4 places I've visited:
1. Cozumel Mexico
2. Cancun Mexico
3. Sarasota (?) Florida
4. Anyplace within driving range of Michigan that includes at least one Mormon historical site.
4 blogs I read regularly
1. The friends and family blogs
2. Pioneer Woman
3. Fat Cyclist (I didn't know you read this one too mom!)
4. Thinking Inking
4 favorite foods
1. Anything from Red Lobster (mmmm.....)
2. Papa John's Pizza (aaahhhh.....)
3. Mrs. Cavanaugh's Chocolate (ooohhhh....)
4. Chicken Braid (ok, who started this? Now I'm starving!)
4 places I would rather be: Let me preface this by saying I am quite happy where I am but these are places I would also like to be.
1. Cancun Mexico
2. Mt. Pleasant Michigan
3. Pusan Korea
4. The Olympic trials (weren't expecting that were ya?)
4 things looking forward to next year:
1. Graduating!! Holla!
2. Tyson getting a "real" job
3. Moving to wherever Tyson gets his "real" job
4. Hopefully, cross your fingers, do a rain dance, pretty pretty please, having a baby.
4 things I do in my spare time.
1. Well, you're lookin' at it
2. Scrapbooking
3. Crocheting
4. Reading
4 favorite things to do with kids/family
1. Take walks on Sunday afternoons
2. Play a game
3. Rollerblade
4. Snuggle up (to Tyson of course) and watch a good movie... or So You Think You Can Dance
Well friends. There you have it. Now I tag... anyone really. If you are in the mood to blog but have had a really boring day, this is the tag for you! If you feel like talking about yourself for just a few minutes, have at it! If you need an excuse to daydream about the places you would go if you just had the time/money here's your chance! If you want to remember your favorite foods, get a craving, and not be happy until you've satisfied it, you go girl! This is the tag for you.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I love Washington
It was right about here that I stuck my elbow in some birdie doo trying to get my "perfect" shot. See, Washington is so wonderful that I didn't even mind.
Signing off,
Blogmaster of Washington.
Come visit me.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My Missionary
Mom was great to send him with a checklist before he came out to make sure we didn't forget anything. Notice the little postscript she wrote at the end...
Doh! We forgot to pick his hangers up from Grandma's while we were there last night. Luckily I had a bunch in my trunk (random) and so he opened up his suitcase out in the parking lot and stuffed them in.
P.S. Many of you may have noticed something different about me. Yes, I did part my hair on the right instead of the left side. This is a big change for me but I'm sure we'll all adjust.
P.P.S. Adam asked if I wanted him to kill Sammy. I said.... No. Tyson, I am not the same woman you married. I hope you can come to love the new me. Moral: never name household pests. It will not bode well for you.
P.P.P.S. This was not a short post like I said it would be.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And now I'm off to bed... Maybe.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
And then the 3-year-olds came out.
Oh my. They were so darling I shed a tear and decided immediately that I was going to have twelve-tuplets, dress them up in sparkly fluffy tutus, and make them dance for me. So cute!
One of the best dances they did began with all of them holding onto a giant stuffed snake. Walking with that huge thing would have been awkward for anyone but when you're only 2 feet tall it must seem especially difficult. So of course one girl tripped and fell, and then another, and before you knew it there was a domino effect of tripping tutus all over the stage with that snake all tangled in between.
I loved it.
So you could say I was quite entertained for about the first 657 dances... then the cold started to get to me. It was really hot outside that day so at first the ever blowing ac felt really good, however, some minutes later I had goosebumps. Goosebumps that lasted for the next two hours. I actually opened my program wide measuring it to see if I could use it as some sort of blanket to shield myself from the wind. No dice.
It was ok though.
I still want twelve-tuplets.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Desperate times.
Anyway, since life is pretty ho hum these days I guess you're just going to have to put up with my rambling soliloquies for awhile until I do something noteworthy. Like sing in church. Ha! Get it!? Noteworthy! Heh... ho ho... hee hee hee....
Ok, well anyhoo, I'll probably delete this post after I read it in a well rested state tomorrow and realize how dumb it is. But if you are one of the lucky ones to catch it before it's gone, count your blessings!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm bored.
Things have actually been going ok in spite of Tyson not being here. I still haven't found that hideous moth that scared me the other day so I have to concede that it may have been a figment of my imagination. I just didn't think I was that desperate for companionship. You think I would have imagined a puppy or a pony or something more cuddly.
I took the praxis today. It is a test that all educators have to take before they can teach and they have a bunch of different ones depending on which content area you are in. Well let me tell you what. If there was ever anything to make you feel like your 7 years in college were a waste of time where the only thing you gained was 10 lbs, this was it. I pretty much felt like I knew nothing, but after thinking about it for awhile there were a lot of questions that I think I answered correctly. It was way hard though. But at least it's over! Now I can stop worrying about it for awhile!!
I have also contacted every girl I know and have had fabulous lunch and movie dates with them. Thanks for keeping me company ladies!
Well, I think it's time for me to give myself a pedicure so my toesies look cute for church in some summer sandals but first I have a few questions that have been plaguing me these last few days.
Why won't the predictive texter on my cell phone allow me to spell such things as "lol", "blog", "ttyl", "idk", or "Tyson"? These are (perhaps with the exception of Tyson) words that the cell phone invented! Why won't mine do it?
Why do these bottles have to look so much alike? I live in constant fear that I will deposit the contents of the wrong one on my head.
How old is too old to work at Wendy's? I went through the drive-thru the other day and a very pleasant man greeted me over the intercom. When I pulled up to window 1 I found that he had to be at least 65. I was shocked if you want to know the truth. And then I pulled up to window 2 and found what I could only presume to be his better half giving me my food. You know, my personal preference would be to not work there, but they seemed happy. More power to them!
Well, thanks for letting me talk!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A sunset, a closet, a portrait
This is our laundry room... closet. It has been a mess in here pretty much since the first day we moved in. Proof: those boxes up there, including the one with the hammer sticking out of it are also holding wedding announcements. 3 year old wedding announcements! For heaven's sake, why did I save those? It's not like we're gonna send them out again.
And now...
Ta da!!!
And now I've got a few glamour head shots of myself mostly so Tyson doesn't forget what I look like. (and if I took 700 shots of a sunset you can only imagine how many I took of myself, heh heh)
This next one is an ode to America's Next Top Model. I really think I've perfected Tyra's squinty-yet-open eyed look. So fierce! You should really see my catwalk.
Ah, the Pièce de résistance.
I miss you my love!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Memoirs of a road trip
Although we really really wanted to visit the international museum of carousel art... (huh?) we just didn't have the time to stop. What a shame.
Before I knew it I was back on the plane home. The flight was pretty basic: old guy sitting too close to me; wing shaking so much that I had a vision of it falling off mid flight; that unnerving feeling where you know the pilot just put the brakes on and you're about to drop like a rock... Just your typical flight!