Thursday morning I woke up around 7 with contractions that felt a little bit different from those I had encountered so far. Difference was - these ones hurt.
But not that bad.
So I assumed it was nothing and went on to blog as normal. I did mention my contractions to my mom since she is here and we decided to continue on with our original plans for the day because I was convinced nothing was going to happen anyway.
I maybe started to suspect something was up when my contractions were coming about 3-4 minutes apart as we walked the mall, but since I could still walk and (almost) talk through them I wasn't convinced it was real labor.
Then we came home and they spread back out to around 7 minutes apart so I talked myself out of even hoping it was labor.
My mom suggested I try to take a nap (since she was sure I was in labor) and would most likely need the rest. I tried to sleep but the contractions were startling me out of a doze because they hurt so bad. I decided that sitting around waiting for contractions was not that fun, so I grabbed mom and we went for another walk.
And once again the contractions sped up to about 3-4 minutes apart. It was getting close to 5 pm so I texted Tyson to make sure he was coming home on time. I was ready for his support but certainly not ready to do anything drastic like go to the hospital. Too bad he had other plans for me. After timing my contractions, watching me breathe through them, and a phone call from his dr. brother saying we needed to go to the hospital, I pretty much had no choice. We were on our way.
The reason I was so hesitant to go was because everyone says you'll know when you're in labor. Well, guess what folks, I didn't know. The contractions just didn't hurt that bad! And I was still in a way good mood which I hear doesn't happen that often. See, here I was having a contraction, walking, laughing and telling my mom not to take a picture. Way to coherent for real labor!
So you can imagine my surprise when after some monitoring and checking in triage, I was definitely in labor and dilated to a 6.
A 6!
My goal was to get to at least a 5 on my own before requesting an epidural and now I was at a 6 and not even checked into the hospital yet. I guess it's a good thing I didn't stay home another hour or two before going to the hospital like I wanted to.
Well, this isn't a great place to pause my story, but the baby must be fed!
To be continued, and things do get a little more exciting...