Sunday, December 21, 2008

It doesn't snow in Vancouver

It doesn't snow here, Tyson said
As he took the hat off of my head.

No big drifts or flakes galore,
No scraping windshields anymore.

Things cannot freeze, it's much too warm,
Driving will not do you harm.

It doesn't snow, we're so convinced!
Our budget for plows has been minced.

And as for salt we don't have any,
'Cause we are environmentally friendly.
(sorry that one didn't rhyme so well)

There'll be no alerts or frosty bite,
No Bing Crosby dreaming of white.

It doesn't snow here, was the warning,
Is it something I'll be mourning?

No that's ok, I like the rain,
I can live without seeing snow again.

And that's the story of how I know,
Here in Vancouver, we get no snow.


  1. lol, you are so clever! Love the new apt!

  2. "There are no cats in America,
    And the streets are paved with cheese"

    I know, totally unrelated, but your post reminded me of American Tail for some reason!

    I'm glad that you made it there safely. Sorry for the snow.

  3. oh my.


    glad you made it safely!
    please, keep updating. i miss your frequent posts!

  4. Tyson's right. It doesn't snow in Vancouver (at least not like this). I'm sorry you moved to a winter wonderland. I'm not looking forward to coming this week, I rather enjoy my 60 degrees and sunshine.

    Hope you're enjoying Vancouver thus far!

  5. I can't comment because I am LOL!

  6. Hey, I don't mind you look at our blog. You can look at it anytime. It was fun to see yours. I am glad you guys made it safe. Cute apartment.

  7. poor you, even though the pictures are really pretty.

    i also love your apartment and am impressed that you've decorated already.

  8. Mari, you are a genius!!! I am always so impressed with your poems!!! Good luck in all of the snow. Glad you guys made it safely!!!

  9. The pictures and poem are awesome. Sorry about the snow! Yuck. Have fun setting up your new home!

  10. Glad you made it safe. Cute apartment and have fun in your winter wonderland.
