Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well, I was going to write this whole post on a bunch of random stuff that I was thinking about but I just didn't have time.
So instead I'm just gonna say; we are moving tomorrow (AAAAHHH!), I'm not sure when I'll next have internet (WWAAAAHHH!!), and I'll miss all my Utah peeps!!


  1. We'll miss you too! Drive safe and post soon!

  2. Mari I'm so sad you're leaving bunco.... or girls night out.. or whatever it will be now just won't be the same without you!!!

  3. how did i not see you on twitter for the last 13 days?! what the. i'll be following you now girl.
    and i'm incredibly sad that i missed bunco. what a shame.

  4. wow, i guess i got lost there for a minute cuz i missed your last few posts and had to rewind to overcome my shock with this one! First Molly, then Mandy, and now YOU! How tragic. but good. good for YOU. good FOR you. Good and bad... happy, sad. Yes. I'm done now.

    Goodbye Mari friend. Peace be with you. Hope you like oregon! It's pwitty is all i know... oh and it's pretty much a super politically liberal state.

  5. eerrr... is it washington or oregon??

  6. Where are you moving to? Did one or both of you get a job? I hope you have a Merry Christmas in your new place!
