Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pumpkin patch!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
One month
And here he is looking a bit more normal.
Happy one month birthday son!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Auntie Em, Auntie Em!
I can so relate.
It's no big deal really, except that I think my blog is gonna be real boring because I have a hard time doing stuff, like thinking. Sorry folks. As a result I think this will temporarily be a blog that only a grandparent would love with 800 billion photos of Logan.
As for our latest update: Logan's Auntie Em came for a visit this weekend! Actually, Logan has two Aunt Emilys as both Tyson's and my youngest sister share that name.
We all enjoyed having her here, especially once Logan realized she was as easy to sleep on as the rest of us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Midnight adventure
I was maneuvering Logan into position for a late night feeding when Tyson observed that our boy was rather stinky. I directed a little mental energy to my olfactory glands and agreed that yes, the odor actually was quite overpowering.
Now here's my dilemma.
Frequently when Logan eats he makes a little poo. Makes sense to me, he's a little person right? If something is going in, he's gotta make room for it with something coming out. So I should change his diaper after he eats.
But... at night my goal is to get him back to sleep ASAP-o-rama - feeding him puts him to sleep, changing his diaper wakes him up. So I should change his diaper before he eats.
Usually I change him after and suffer the late night consequences, however, since he was already stinky Tyson volunteered to change him before and I willingly surrendered the babe to him.
As I drifted back into my coma for another few minutes of precious precious sleep I heard Tyson say there wasn't much in the diaper, he must have just been a little tooty.
2 seconds later I heard Tyson shriek and I sat up to see what could only be described as projectile poo flying through the night. After pausing briefly to snicker (for some reason Tyson wasn't quite as amused), I jumped to my husband's aid and helped mop up the damage.
I then scooped up my sweet little baby to feed while Tyson spent the next several minutes washing his hands... and feet.
P.S. Apparently we have an equal opportunity kid. He had a major blow out while sitting on my lap this morning. Super fun!
Friday, October 9, 2009
2 weeks postpartum
I love it!
And the crazy thing is that I pretty much can't even remember what it feels like to be pregnant. Was I pregnant? Who's baby is this? How did he fit in there? How did he get out of there? What the heck!?
Ok, sleep deprivation is taking over, must fight back.
One thing it seems like everyone wants to know is how breastfeeding is going. Well, allow me to answer that question with another question.
How much do you think he weighs?
Oh wait, that wasn't an answer. Well, today we went to the doctor for his two week check-up. If you'll recall, when he was born he was 7 lbs 8 oz. A couple days later he had lost a little and was 6 lbs 15 oz.
Today he was 8 lbs 15 oz.
Whoa, 2 lbs in 12 days.
Some might call that feeding like a champ. I call it life. It still makes my feet sweat when he latches on, but aside from the initial chomp I've had no pain and no problems in that area.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The many faces of a newborn
Do you ever wonder what your kids are gonna find when they Google themselves in 10 years or so?
Friday, October 2, 2009
The birth - part 2
That loud sucking sound I heard? The doctor had been using a vacuum to help get Logan out faster and he was attempting to avoid an episiotomy. Because of the restricted space he didn't get a good grip on his head and the vacuum lost suction right as the doctor was pulling really hard.
Yeah, that epidural decision? A good one.
Two seconds later he snipped an episiotomy and was assisting the birth again. Logan's head came out so fast I tore some more and everyone was shouting stop so they could unwrap the cord that was all around him.
And then I had him wriggling on my chest.
I left the hospital with a 3rd degree tear which one of the nurses jokingly called a vaginal c-section (sorry to use the v-word) which has been a beast to heal from but Logan has been an angel which has made everything easier.
We are healthy and happy and don't ever want grandma to leave or Tyson to go back to work!