Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Eggs!!

Tyson and I love to celebrate every holiday with numerous traditions and activities. So of course, every Easter we have to dye eggs!

Here we are with our cups of color! The best part is watching the tablets fizz and sputter as they change the water.

Using styrofoam cups to dye the eggs turned out to be a genius idea. The eggs were covered in color completely, so we didn't have to constantly roll them around, and there were no discolored bowls when we were done!

The finished product... So far.
We got a kit that included sparkle speckles (say that 3 times fast) and spraying the speckle paint on the eggs was surprisingly not as much of a messy disaster as I thought it would be.

Our finished product with our speckley (I just discovered that isn't a word) eggs. Another successful activity in the Lowder home!


  1. I can't wait to see your blog with your little kids coloring eggs!!

  2. Ohhh, your colors look sooo pretty. Z wouldn't let the eggs stay in the dye longer than about 2 seconds. She wanted "pretty pastel" colors, but I like yours. ;)

  3. i love that you and your hubbie dyed eggs. you are going to be the best parents ever. i begrudgingly did it with my kids :( i'll just send my kids to your house for the pre-holiday fun!

  4. those are some nice eyes tyson!

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