Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Extreme makeover!!... Almost

So... I got a new haircut today. It's actually not that extreme because it's been really long for a really long time and that part didn't change. I'll let the pictures do the talking. A picture is worth thousand words right?

So here is a "before" for ya.

...and another before.


Truth be told this isn't exactly my favorite picture of the ''after" but, oh well. What can ya do?

So... What do you think?

(you can tell me the truth unless it's mean in which case... feel free to lie)


  1. hee hee-you look like your mom!!! it's very very cute-you notice your eyes!

  2. P.S. Today was my sacred hair day too!! (great minds think alike)

  3. Gorgeous, as always!

  4. You look too dang cute! I bet Tyson loves it. Bangs, finally!!

  5. imagine me whistling! it looks good. i miss rachel...

  6. Hot stuff! Totally brings out your eyes. Wish I could be brave enough to do bangs.

  7. Mari!!! long time no see...how are you? I love the bangs...it's a good look for you. I hope life is treating you well.

  8. Hey! I'm so happy to see your blog!!! I'm so bummed that I've missed bunco twice in a row! I'll for sure be there next month... lol. Your hair looks awesome and you are as beautiful as ever!

  9. Love the bangs! They look great and not everyone can pull them off. Good job, way to pull them off!
