Friday, January 29, 2010

She's a man, baby!

I've heard from several different people that Logan is a pretty baby. I'm not sure if people say that because they are embarrassed after mistaking him for a girl, which has happened more than once, or if they just don't know what to say, or if they don't mean it or what, but I think it's kinda true. With those rosy cheeks, pink lips, and ever growing eyelashes (lucky!) gosh darn it he is pretty! (even with the goofy grin, drool, and bad lighting) Granted, I am his mother so it's not like I'm going to think any differently.

Speaking of his mother...

I was mistaken for a boy while fishing with my dad once. Taking into consideration it was many years ago, I had a hat on, and the guy who said it may or may not have been drinking, it was probably a valid mistake. But still. Scarred for life. It took some serious assistance from La Puberty before I stopped wondering if I looked like a boy everytime I left the house.

Last night two nights ago, we had our first dance practice for dance festival with the youth and I had to dance the boy's part because we were a little short in the male arena. I had to rewire my lifetime of incredible dance training in order to do everything backward but I think I was a pretty sweet partner. Especially after one of the girls told me later that I was way better than the boy partner she was with later that night. Yes my child, do not expect a 14 year old boy to have my natural grace and charisma on the dance floor. It cannot be done.

I guess I just make a better boy than girl sometimes.


  1. and I'm sure you can attribute all your dancing skills to Darren's Dance Groves and Center Stage.

  2. I'm glad we were at the same building for DF practice. My second partner has been dancing her whole life, and I'm sure she thought I was a terrific dancer. Maybe not, but at least I wasn't as obnoxious as that boy that was dancing by us!

  3. Ha ha ha ha! Don't worry, sometimes I make a better boy dancer too.
    And yes, your boy is very HANDSOME and MANLY and don't listen to people who get genders confused.

  4. I get comments ALL the time that Cardon is a 'pretty' baby too! Don't tell chris though...he probably would be offended.

  5. You! Mistaken for a boy! They don't have eyes in their heads. You are one beautiful young woman. And Logan is ALL boy!

  6. Mari you are hilarious! I love reading your blog! Little Brooke gets mistaken for a little boy a lot (even when she is wearing pink!) and it doesn't phase me at all because she is the spitting image of her dad...she just has enough of me in her to make her a pretty girl!

  7. Logan IS a pretty boy, and it's totally okay! Um, don't feel bad about being mistaken for a boy in your youth. It happened to me all the time. Seriously. Actually it even happened this past summer while I was at Girls Camp. They have it at a Boy Scout Camp/ranch thingy, and was leaving for the day and headed out to my car. When some unsuspecting teenage boy scout hollered at me to go get some stuff and carry it somewhere. Yes, I may have had a hoodie on (with the hood up it was cold!), but I think my skin tight jeans and my natural grace should have been a give away. Guess not.
