Monday, January 25, 2010

4 months

Well, today we have hit our four month mark. And in honor of this monumental day, we had a doctor's appointment of course! Once again I shall share with you the obligatory stats.

Weight: 15 lbs - 55%
Height: 25.5 in - 75%
Head: 42.5 cm - 60%

So he seems to be putting his energy into getting taller these days. Fine by me! The doctor says he is doing great and seems to be right on track developmentally. He also got more shots :-( and let's just say I will not be ripping these band-aids off. That was a lesson I only needed to learn once.

I've also learned a few other things while raising a 4 month old. Such as...

- Your parents were not always dorky. They became that way trying to entertain you all day long.
- That I can wear a ponytail every day for weeks on end. I'm not even sure how long my hair is at this point.
- An all liquid diet + still learning how to swallow = drool for everyone.
- That what was cool yesterday is lame today (I believe this continues throughout the teenage years).
- The smell of spit up is directly proportional to the amount of time it has spent in the stomach.
- It is never too early to go to bed.
- It is way hard to maintain a baby's fingernail length.
- You can pass toothpaste off as spit up and suddenly you're not a slob anymore.
- No matter what they tell you at Wal-mart baby vitamins do NOT taste good. This is why the child is gagging.
- There is nothing like the smell of what collects in a baby's neck rolls.
- Or behind their ears.
- It is not a good smell.
- The louder they are during the day, the sweeter they look while they sleep.
- Of all the toys on the floor it's always the remote/cell phone/dust bunny that ends up in their mouth.
- The joy of rolling over for the first time can be quickly overshadowed by a freak out caused by certain parents' exuberant cheering.
- A mirror can be fun 1,000 times a day.
- You know this because you are willing to do anything they find fun 1,000 times.

And here is our boy through the last four months.

brand new

one month

two months

three months

four months

(And yes, those pajamas do say "!!WACK!!" and "happy" all over them. I dunno, they were on sale.)

I can't wait to see how our cutie continues to develop!


  1. I love your "lists"! That was hilarious! Your baby gets cuter and cuter every month!

  2. Amazing how quickly they change. He's in the top ten list of cuteness fer sure (including my own babes)

  3. cardon was weighed yesterday and he is 15 lbs too!

  4. Just look at all those new mommie things that you have learned. You can keep them in reference for the future! Mommies neatness always depends on baby's mood.

  5. you are hilariously awesome.

    on the weighing note. . . do you remember how fat jonas was? well, he had logan beat by a whole pound and then some at half the age. that's right! At 2 months old he was 16lbs 6oz. WOWZA!

    thanks for making me laugh, i needed it. that logan is a doll;)

  6. hmm… not sure he's gonna appreciate you showing those pics of the pjs to friends when he gets older "wack and happy"?

    love the post btw… but why are you giving him baby vitamins? he's 4 mons and mother's milk is sufficient no?

  7. Awww sweet little peanut. He & Drew are doing just about all the same stuff...good times. He is SO super cute. Loving your list. True, true, true.
