Monday, July 20, 2009

Knock knock... who's there?

My parents!

They had been in cahoots with Tyson for the last several weeks planning to suprise me with a visit and they sure did! I had no idea! So when Tyson came home and told me there was a package at the front door I opened it expecting to see a cardboard box and instead my parents were standing there.
It was awesome.

So awesome, in fact, that I'm going to tell you EVERYTHING that we did.
Right now.
But I'll do it in bullet form so you dont want to poke out your eyes by the time this post is over. Hopefully.

-We went on a walk by the lake (I forgot to take a picture)

-We went to craft warehouse (twice)

-We went out to eat :)

-I got heartburn :(

-We made crafts!!!

-Mom is better at stapleing into wood than I am.

-Good thing we finished before she left.

-We went to multnomah falls (see top picture)

-Tyson took this picture of us.

-It made me laugh.
-We're still not sure about this pose of his.

-But I like it anyway.

-We tried to visit the dam.
-It closed at 5.
-We were there at 5:10.
-You might say we were dam dissappointed.
-Mom cleaned my kitchen lots.
-Now I can't find stuff.
-It is the mark of having your mother in your home and I like it.
-We saw Harry Potter.
-We shared several bags of candy.
-I got heartburn.
-We went to the rose gardens
-I saw the cutest rose ever.
-And the plant I am least likely to request for my own garden.
-We did a lot of walking while they were here.
-I got cankles for the first time.
-They might be the least attractive thing about pregnancy.
-The parents left on Saturday :(
-I can't wait 'til they come again!


  1. What a great surprise!! It sounds like you had a blast!

  2. So first fun!! come I can't be as creative as you and make such cute crafts? And I got cankles from sitting on a boat fishing for like 12 hours. I hated it!!! Def worst part of pregnancy. I spent the next week doing ankle exercises and keeping my feet propped up constantly.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful suprise! Eat small meals, frequently. Maybe that will help with heartburn. And no eating after 6 pm. That is what causes the reflux. Believe me, I know.

  4. hooray that they made it and it was still a surprise!!! did they figure out the bed arrangements? that was all the talk (when you weren't around of course) when i was up there.

    and what the heck is brother doing in that picture?

  5. Hooray! Glad you had a great time. I have been having fun playing with her since Sat. but I'm leaving in 30 min.....sniff sniff..

  6. P.S. That last comment was from me-Aunt Marilyn-not sure if it showed up with my name on it....

  7. I love your parents! What a great surprise! Those crafts are awesome, we may need a tutorial...

  8. What a fun surprise! Sounds like a great visit.

  9. Awe!! I didn't even know about the surprise visit...and I see your mom A LOT!! Sounds like it was awesome!! You are looking sooooo cute and I can't wait until this sweet baby makes an entrance!!

  10. How fun! That is a great surprise. I can only imagine opening the door to find your parents, how great! Glad you had a nice visit. You are just so crafty. I love all the things you make! :)
