Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm famous!

You guys are not going to believe this.

I was featured on someone else's blog! I know! It's totally crazy.

Sarah from proofred has an award called the Read Ribbon Award and someone (one of you sweeties) nominated me. She wrote up a post all about my blog which totally had me all sorts of anxious. I don't think I would make a very good famous person.

Anyway, here's the extra cool thing about Sarah. Her blog is all about helping you improve your own blog and she is going to help me make my blog look better, get this, for FREE. You know how I love free stuff.

Oh but wait. Lest you think I am that special she does everyone's blogs for free. So you should go over there and check her out.

Thanks Sarah!


  1. I feel like I'm famous now that you posted about Proofred on your blog! Thanks for the shout-out and for letting me award you for your fun blog!

  2. Congratulations, you deserve it. You really are a great writer!

  3. I'm not sure how I came across your blog and I don't believe I know you. But after laughing out loud over multiple posts, I decided its a must read. Hope you don't mind that I'm a follower.

  4. You totally deserve this! Go Mari!

  5. You are so clever. Every time I read your blog I think, "We should hang out more".
