So I painted baby girl's room. It is definitely far from being finished (as in I'm artfully showing you the clean half of the room) but it's still something!
So here's a before:
And here's an... well, not after exactly, but you know.
I ended up choosing paint color number one, which was a custom mix, and then I just used glidden's basic untinted white for the stripes. Both are in eggshell.
Wanna know how to get crisp stripes?
Google it.
Just kidding. What I do is paint my base color first, in this case the grey. Then I let that dry completely before putting down my tape. After the tape is down you'll want to paint your base color again over the edges of your tape. I even dig in a little bit with my paint brush to make sure that any gaps between the tape and the wall will be filled with the base. I think this is especially important with textured walls which, as you can see, we have. Then, when that has dried, you can paint the stripe color.
Works like a charm. I didn't have a single spot where I needed to touch up which is the best I've ever done. It takes extra time of course, but so does touching up and that never seems to look as good.
Slow and steady we're getting this done. The next big project is convincing Logan to give up the crib and try out his big boy bed.
Should be fun...